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La CanTouch長堤空間視覺 - 高級墻紙的象征


長堤空間視覺有限公司/LaCanTouch Decoration Co Ltd自成立至今己有十八年之久的歷史。 十多年來為提供大眾高質量的舒適生活, 本公司不斷的努力、求新求變。


在裝飾設計業界, 長堤空間視覺以最多元化的品牌資源優勢, 立于行業之首, 獲得業內人士的愛戴。 我們秉持著服務至上的精神, 希望引領社會大眾進入更舒適美好的生活空間。 降低成本、提升產品質量、不定期推出新產品, 駕馭時代, 配合社會需求。


在兩岸三地造就無數成功的工程實績, 如:星級酒店、大型辦公樓、銀行金融中心、高級俱樂部及別墅住宅。


我們擁有豐富的進口家家飾壁材, 提供專業的服務給兩岸三地大中華地區的客戶, 我們的銷售服務已漸漸延伸至其它亞洲國家。

企業的成功經營在于獲得市場及客戶的高度認同, 因此, 我們秉持著服務至上的精神, 精益求精, 與歐美知名廠家技術合作, 將國外美學設計師專業優異的新知工藝(know-how)產品引進國內, 滿足不同領域客戶的需求;針對特殊設計工程案, 亦可為客戶量身訂制手工藝術品。



室內設計師想找的各式材質、花色、樣式之墻紙, 長堤都能滿足其設計靈感, 豐富空間美感, 成就其設計佳作。



多年來本公司在強大專業施工群及歐美各國知名廠家的技術合作之下, 在同業間造不小的震憾, 因為我們堅信, 唯有優良的質量, 多樣化的選擇才能滿足消費大眾的需求。 我們將持續歷年來的優良傳統, 并在各界的期許之下, 本著精益求精, 好還要更好的精神,

繼續引進更精致、美麗的家飾壁材, 創造更舒適的環境空間。

獨家代理世界知名品牌墻紙, 呈現當代最具代表性的墻面藝術品...

品牌產品, 不僅兼具視覺美觀性, 其特殊的制作工藝亦是質量保證...

以藝術品呈現的墻紙 – 盡在La CanTouch

About LaCanTouch 英文

LaCanTouch Decoration Co Ltd is a long-standing and well-established company in the wallcovering industry.

We specialize in distributing fine wallcoverings from well-known product manufacturers. We mainly import the worldwide brands from the USA, Europe and Japan. For the past 18 years, we have successfully represented a host of manufacturers.

Beyond product distribution, we have also worked with overseas manufacturers creating our own patterns, designs and colors. In terms of our sales goals, we aim to develop a varied line of wallcoverings to reach the needs of our many different customers.

Our clients include interior designers, architectural firms,and retailers, as well as wholesalers. We serve a variety of markets including major hospitability areas like hotels, health care centers, commercial environments, office buildings, government buildings, as well as the residential and new construction contract markets.

We alsoprovide our own installation servicesfor projectsby acting as general contractors.

Our business philosophy and mission are to understand our customers needs and achieve our mutual goals through product development and the industry’s highest level of customer service.

We truly believe that we are the best supplier to present the best wallcoverings throughout the Chinese, Hong Kong, and Taiwanese markets.

Over the years, we have established over 40 different wallcovering collections that we maintain stock of in our local and regional warehouses. This means that we probably have the largest collection of imported wallcoverings available fromstock in our territory that includes Taiwan, China and Hong Kong for our clients.

We have the ability to meet your every need.

Discover your vision, in La CanTouch…



CASADECO您的家裝設計師(Your Home Designer), 法國時尚生活圈中的第一品牌。

以法式鮮豔及明亮色系為訴求, 展現優雅風情, 形形色色中嗅出浪漫的氣息。 擁有最獨特的設計及創意, CASADECO牆紙、滾邊及布藝體現出法國固有的唯美格調。

以「家裝配套」概念推出整體可搭之牆紙、滾邊及布藝, 萬種風情, 近乎完美。 CASADECO的設計師們出走戶外尋找最接近花草本身自然的形與色, 從生活周遭尋覓無限靈感,


In 1994, the company decided to bring its know-how to the domestic market, launching a wide range of wallpaper collection 53-cm wide, co-ordinated with borders and fabrics for curtains, under the brand name CASA DECO. As the range was a success very fast, the company decided to focus even more in search of new designs and colours, and started to launch the theme collections (boats, kitchens, Indian, children, etc) which were even more successful.

In wallpaper, under the CASADECO brand, our main strength is to bring a new atmosphere to your room. Therefore you can create a totally new atmosphere, playing with stripes, mixing them with design, borders and plains.

Maya Romanoff自1969年開始其藝術及商業產品設計

常為酒店及大型商業空間等場所量身訂製藝術壁紙。 他的設計兼具質感和品味, 並榮獲無數美學及設計類金獎;他是位於設計尖端的藝術大師, 將牆面壁紙藝術化。

他有無限的創意靈感, 喜愛運用自然材質面料於其設計裡;突破傳統, 史無前例地利用100%;晶瑩剔透的圓形珠粒及真實貝殼製成精緻的牆面手工藝術, 每款皆為舉世之作。

Maya Romanoff獨具一格的創作備受世界各地室內設計師、建築師、酒店業主等高品味人士的賞識, 在星級酒店、高級會所、別墅、精品店、時裝店等常常見到他的精美壁紙藝術。 Maya Romanoff不僅僅將最具創意、新穎、美麗的藝術呈現於人前,


The Maya Romanoff Corporation is a Chicago based manufacturer and leader of the most advanced wallcoverings and interior furnishings in the world. Led by the vision and creativity of Maya and Joyce Romanoff, our 36-year-old corporation has transformed modern day design by combining ancient artistic techniques with up-to-date industrial production, and a keen approach for environmental concerns.

Today, we continue to be a leading force in the design community, carrying out Maya’s founding philosophy and passion of using uncommon materials to create uncommon art.

Over the years, Maya Romanoff has earned many awards including The International Furnishings and Design Associations Trailblazer Award and the International Contemporary Furniture Fair’s Editor’s award.


YORK牆紙營造室內空間無限生命力, 不同的故事及生活題材栩栩如生呈現於您眼前。

12版分色印刷技術體現於牆紙、腰帶及壁畫裡;色彩豐富逼真, 圖案生動活潑, 有如置身於真實情境中, 一幅幅動人的畫面由此而生。 所有您能想像到的具體圖案, 所有室內空間設計追求的完美效果, 都包含在YORK樣本書. . . 住家、咖啡廳、休閒渡假中心、KTV、歐美風味的主題餐廳等, 適用的空間範圍極廣。

Since 1895, York Wallcoverings has been providing wallpaper from the same factory location in the historic and picturesque Susquehanna Valley of Pennsylvania.

Although the final production of each beautifully crafted wallpaper is completed by York’s talented print craftsmen, each pattern originates in York’s renowned Design Studio. Long recognized for its creative talent, York’s studio is considered the industry leader in color and design. Utilizing the latest computer-assisted design equipment along with the fine art skills of more traditional artists, the studio creates an infinite variety of designs to satisfy the decorating needs of a diverse market.
