115號建筑由Graham Baba建筑設計事務所設計完成, 它的目標是充分理解基地獨一無二的特性, 并由此提供一個獨一無二的解決方案, 該方案是業主、承包商和建筑師通力協作的成果。
建筑師: Graham Baba Architects
總包商: D. Boone Construction
結構工程師: Swenson Say Fagét
監理: Geo Dimensions
地質勘測: Associated Earth Sciences
玻璃制造商: TGP Pilkington Profilit
建筑面積: 2,640 sqf
項目時間: 2009
攝影: Michael Matisse and Graham Baba Architects
業主要求設計方案是一個起居/辦公的混合空間, 按照業主的意愿, 方案保留了Fremont的鄰里中心, 同時使從前的工業緩沖地帶、現在的主要商業街和未來規劃建造的集合住宅都融入了城市肌理之中。
從街上望去, 建筑透明、半透明的立面使零售和辦公空間充滿了吸引力。 通過最大化發揮這個三層結構的潛能,基地也被充分的利用了起來。在這個按照業主要求高效地布置了的、面積800平方英尺的開敞空間中,業主可以生活得十分愜意。通往項目的交通方式有很多,包括步行,騎自行車,坐船和公交線路等等,住戶可以自由選擇。同時項目對材料富有創造性的搭配也增加了街坊的可識別性。
The building offers both retail and office spaces that engage the street through transparent and translucent facades. Site efficiency is achieved by maxing out the building footprint and building up with a 3-story structure. The building allows the client to live comfortably in a space tailored to his needs within an efficiently open plan of 800 sqf. Occupants have the opt;ion of various modes of transportation including walking/biking/boating/public bus routes. The project uses materials in a visually distinctive composition while adding to neighborhood identity.
The building offers both retail and office spaces that engage the street through transparent and translucent facades. Site efficiency is achieved by maxing out the building footprint and building up with a 3-story structure. The building allows the client to live comfortably in a space tailored to his needs within an efficiently open plan of 800 sqf. Occupants have the opt;ion of various modes of transportation including walking/biking/boating/public bus routes. The project uses materials in a visually distinctive composition while adding to neighborhood identity.