Room On The Roof is located in thesmall tower on de Bijenkorf in Amsterdam, a unique spot in the historic heartof the city that has been converted into a cultural haven. Together with theRijksmuseum in Amsterdam, de Bijenkorf has invited national and internationalartists to work on their projects in the studio, ranging from performances,poetry and light art to dance, music, film and photography.
在歷史悠久的阿姆斯特丹市中心、荷蘭最大的百貨公司de Bijenkorf的塔樓上有一間“屋頂上的房間”, 這是deBijenkorf公司創辦的“藝術家居所”的項目, 暨攜手國立博物館一同邀請世界各地的藝術家在這個屋頂工作室中創作作品, 涉及表演、詩歌、光藝術、舞蹈、音樂、電影和攝影領域。
Room On The Roof is fully equipped forthe artists, with a telescope for enjoying panoramic views of the city, a bedfor dreaming, a special menu for meals, and its Dam Square location providing asource of inspiration.The works resulting from time spent inRoom On The Roof will be shared with the public. This could be through anexhibition in the store windows, an online live performance or an installationin or around de Bijenkorf. The program will also be tailored to major eventstaking place in Amsterdam and involve collaborations with cultural institutionsacross the Netherlands.
藝術家們所生活的“屋頂上的房間”可謂應有盡有。 有飽覽城市活動畫景的望遠鏡、醉入夢鄉的溫床、獨家的美食功能表,
Room On The Roof wants to offer theartist a unique experience. This was the starting point for i29 to realize aninstallation that brings together two worlds in one space; playing with scaleand perception as in the universe of ‘Alice in Wonderland’. On one side avertical installation of wooden volumes from floor to ceiling is placed, theother side is a full white space. The wooden installation includes a pantry,storage, desk and daybed. The functions have been stacked on top of each other asa kind of ‘living cabinet’ in order to experience the tower on differentlevels. Via small ladders you can climb up in the cabinet. Each level gives anew perspective and view to the outside world. The monumental spiral stairsleading to the cupola has been restored and adds to the fairytale-likeatmosphere.
“屋頂上的房間”想要給藝術家一種獨特的體驗。 空間中仿佛“愛麗絲夢遊仙境”一般展現了兩個世界,一邊是垂直向上的木制的空間,起居和工作靠狹小的梯子上上下下。而另一邊是空白畫布般的靜止空間和配飾。紀念碑似的螺旋樓梯切分了兩個世界,亦人間亦天國。
Since it was founded in 1870, deBijenkorf has had a clear vision of retail and a strong affiliation with art.Through the course of the 20th century, a special bond has been forged witharchitects, writers, designers and artists. Where art and business overlap isnow an essential component of the de Bijenkorf strategy.
Since it was founded in 1870, deBijenkorf has had a clear vision of retail and a strong affiliation with art.Through the course of the 20th century, a special bond has been forged witharchitects, writers, designers and artists. Where art and business overlap isnow an essential component of the de Bijenkorf strategy.